Spring is often considered the prime real estate selling season; however we’re currently in Autumn which can be just as fruitful for sellers in its own ways. There are opportunities in all seasons if your real estate agent knows how to position your property effectively, and every season comes with its own economic and market conditions. The most important considerations are your personal needs and individual circumstances.



Autumn is a beautiful season to sell, attracting lingering buyers from the frenzy of Summer, neither too hot nor too cold, and couples and families squeezing every moment out of the lingering warm days and evenings.

People have settled back into their work and school routine after summer holidays, and they can focus on making bigger decisions, such as buying a new home, exposing more genuine buyers. 

The changing leaves provide a cosmetic boost to the outdoors of your home, and this, in turn, creates more interest in what is on the inside and potentially more buyers attending open inspections.


While the colder, wetter Winter weather can make house hunting less pleasant, and we often see a smaller cohort of buyers, this is the season for the truly serious buyers who are always on the lookout for the right property and have done their research. An advantage to selling in Winter is, traditionally, due to lack of supply, the properties that sell in winter potentially attract a higher selling price.

First impressions will really count for Winter sales, so you want buyers to immediately connect with your home by creating a warm ambience and comfortable space, a wonderful time to show off features like a fireplace, outdoor fire pit, or centralised heating. Styling that complements the season, ensuring the home is well-lit, with an abundance of natural light, particularly on overcast days.



Undoubtedly regarded as the peak selling season, Spring is all about sunny days and gardens in full bloom. Spring is a robust and active market, with buyers and sellers aplenty, and a wider range of properties/traditionally higher volume of buyers in the market. We see larger turnouts for open inspections and stronger buyer competition engaging in competitive bidding and offers that can push prices higher than expected. Properties hitting the market in Spring can often sell faster; however, the downside is that the market can quickly get saturated. It can be difficult to stand out amongst the crowd, particularly if your property doesn’t have street appeal or needs renovations; you may need to put in some hard yards – even just a coat of paint – to ensure your property is as desirable as possible for potential buyers in this season.

While Spring is an optimal time to sell, buyers are always looking for quality homes, so don’t feel pressured to market your property if the timing is not right for you personally. Consider the type of property you are selling and its location. Would tourist traffic near the beach be less beneficial at a particular time of year? Does your home really shine in winter? Talking to your real estate agent is key here.



The months from December to February are longer, sunshine-filled days featuring long school holiday periods, with prospective buyers spending their days outdoors. The property scene is a buzz in Summer, with lots of buyer interest and activity, carrying a number of advantages for attracting the right buyers, in particular those with children and pets. If your home has a swimming pool or outdoor entertaining area, buyers may find themselves with some pretty strong competition. Other advantages of timing a summer sale are quality cooling, insulation and lots of natural light.

When it comes to selling your property, timing can be crucial. Meier Paul Real Estate agents have the ability to create positive connections with all types of people and listen to their specific needs. We take genuine pride and special care in achieving premium investment and property results no matter the season. 

We trust you have found this guide to the seasons helpful. Contact one of our experienced Meier Paul Real Estate agents for a confidential meeting to tailor your selling journey. Call 08 8464 7450 or email admin@meierpaul.com.au.